Club News

Membership Dues

A reminder that 2025 membership fees are now due.

Anyone who has not paid by July 31st will have 3 months to pay their delinquent dues before they will need to restart as a new member. during this time members still needing to pay will lose the ability to gamble, or win the memorial fund until their dues have been paid in full.

Please note Life Members do not need to pay membership fees.

Please see the Membership secretary or another board member to make payment.

Event Volunteers

Just a reminder that the club would be unable to run its events throughout the year if it wasn't for the members that dedicate their free time to help with organizing and running them.

We ask that if anyone can please spare some time to help at any of our road runs or any other event throughout the year then please come to speak to our Referee or Entertainments board member.

Thank you in advance. 

LVMC & Relay For Life

On June 29th 2024 LVMC held a charity event to raise funds for Relay For Life. 

This was not just open to motorcycle riders but those who drive 4 wheels also. The day consisted of a ride out to 4 destinations along with fun, games and plenty of prize draws laid on at the club house.

The day was a huge success with the club raising a total of $3000 towards the fight against cancer.

We would like to thank everyone who came along and got involved.

Club Clean Up Nights


Every 3rd Wednesday of the month is the club clean up nights. We ask for volunteers to come help give the LVMC clubhouse a much needed clean and tidy. 

If you feel you can spare an hour or 2 to help keep the clubhouse looking its best, then please feel free to come along for 5:45pm.


Remember folks the club is not a club without its members.

Club Grounds


We are always looking for volunteers who can spare a few hours a week to help maintain the club grounds, whether its mowing the grass or blowing off the hard top parking area or any other maintenance jobs that may need doing. 

If you feel you can spare some time, please reach out to our club grounds board member Steve Winters